That's How Life Works

Jocelyn wasn't able to get a hold of Avery until she was back at work. Waking up earlier to drag her slower-than-usual self to the subway station was exhausting and her knee hurt terribly. But her clients needed her so she off she went. 

They all wanted to know what happened and she had to make up a better story that didn't contradict the one she had already given John and Marie. At least most didn't ask too many questions. 

She got lunch from Keith as usual and he was very concerned about how she felt being up and about, which made her heart race for some reason. Why? He had been fussing over her ever since he found out she got hurt! What was different this time? 

He couldn't stay long because he had another delivery to make but he promised to come over as soon as he was off work. She barely managed to hold herself together. What did this mean? What was wrong with her?!