
"What do you mean by six months? Her son is already three years old and he is really cute!"

"Oh really! I didn't knew about that! I just saw you guys being all drunk and shouting like a Madman that night!" he laughed recalling that night.

"What do you mean by that? Do you think we're a Madman? Hmpphh! How dare you! I'm just done having lunch with you!" She shouted at him and then went away like a cute mad little girl,that made him laugh at her expression.

He then sent the image of Liang Ren and yiyi to his friends group which he took from her phone.

And also the message that She already has a 3 year old son.

He went back to the company so that he can see what the problem is. There was some problem with the company , he came here to solve it so that his company would run smoothly in this foreign city.

After working all evening and tiring himself out,he decided to go back to the hotel. A luxurious room was booked by his assistant so that he can relax a little.

He checked himself in and went to his room after taking the room card.

After he got inside the room,he directly went to the bathroom and washed himself with the mint shower gel. He came out wearing a bath towel around his waist.

Just he was about to go to bed and relax,he heard the sound of someone singing in a loud,loud voice that scared the shit out of him.

The room was really big and it was giving an apartment's feeling. It had a bedroom,a living room,a gym and a swimming pool.

He went to the direction from where the sound was coming. In the gym,He was startled after seeing a girl exercising while singing 'Eye Of The Tiger!' at the top of her lungs. Even though he found it so entertaining that he just wanted to meet her.

"Hey!.......YOU!" he called her to get her attention but the floor swept off his feet after he saw Li Na turning towards him.

"AaaH!" She screamed after seeing his half naked body and stepped back.

She was about to hit the wall when Feng Ling ran forward and protected her head. Li Na was scared so she grabbed his towel but the knot was untied and it fell on the ground revealing Feng Ling's Naked lower body.

He screamed in a high pitched voice.

His face darkened and he clenched his jaw while Li Na was busy screaming. He again wrapped the towel around him and strode towards the room without looking at her back.

Li Na was now trembling, thinking about that rare view. No matter how much she tried to get it out of her head,it was still there haunting her. But just to make it more awkward,she shouted "Hey! I didn't saw anything! Don't worry!"

He came out wearing a set of Pyjamas and sat on the couch in the living room.

"You scream like a girl!" she commented.

"I do not scream like a girl!" he defended himself.

"Well you sure did a high-pitched scream!" she raised her voice a little.

"I did not scream!" he shouted.

"Oh Ya, So what did you do?" she raised her eyebrows and folded her arms around her chest.

"That was merely me trying not to have a heart attack with a little dignity!"

"Anyways,I saw it all!" she mumbled to herself but Feng Ling heard it.

"You did,right?" he asked with a cold voice.

"What? No!" she shouted.

"You just said it out loud!" he crossed his legs and sat back.

Now,Li Na was embarrassed to death.

"What are you doing here??" he asked with a low voice.

"Well... That's what i should ask you. What are you doing here?" she also sat in an intimidating position.

"It's my room!"

"It's my room!" They both said at the same time.


"What??" They again said in sync.

They both showed their room cards and sighed.

They called the manager to ask what's going on.

"Sorry Sir!! Maybe it was a mistake!!"the manager apologised.

"Fine! Give me another room!" Feng Ling demanded.

"Sir! There's not a single room available now. Maybe you will have to wait till next morning!"

"What?" Li Na yelled but Feng Ling covered her mouth.

He hanged up the call and Li Na glared at him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?? ...... We've already spent 2 nights together,You can just spend one more! I don't think it's a Problem....."he suggested.

"Have you gone insane or what? I'm not sharing a room with you let alone Spending the night with you ....You Hooligan! Pervert!" She tried to hit him with the pillow.

"What are you talking about? I'm not asking you to sleep with me! .....You can sleep in the living room.... I'm not that heartless that i will kick you out of the room at this time!" he tried to negotiate.

"Shut up! I'm not gonna sleep in the living room. You are." Saying this,she went inside the room and closed the door with a bang.

Liang Ren woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that yiyi was not close to him. So he tapped her face until she woke up. He held his arms open and said,"I want warmth!".

She pulled him towards herself and hugged his body while he layed on top of her and the both of them drifted off but she felt that something was wrong with the his body as the temperature was high and he looked like he was in a semi concious state.

"Hey! Liang Ren! Wake up!....." she shaked his shoulder slightly but he let out a painful groan.

"I'm cold, Please...." he said in a low but heavy voice.

She tried to lift off his body but she wasn't powerful enough. She used her whole body energy and then pushed him beside her.

She lit up the bedside lamp and frowned after seeing his red cheeks and hot body.

She got off the bed,looked around for the thermometer and then measured his temperature.

It was 102°F.

She wrapped a thick blanket around his body which was kinda hard for her to do but she did it anyway. The next task was to Separate Zhang Wei from him.She wasn't sure if her son would also get sick so she took him To Liu Wei's room to hand him over.

The door was not locked for her convenience,she just walked inside and tried to wake Liu Wei up by kicking his butts. She kicked but he didn't responded.

She kept kicking him till he sat up and let out a groan.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Well,If you'd have woken up properly the first time i kicked you,i wouldn't have to do it four more times!"she rolled her eyes at his complaining expression.

"What happened? Tell me or get outta here or I'm gonna kick you out of this apartment!" he shouted.

"Shh! Here,Take care of Little Wei! He is asleep!"

"Why? Am i his Mommy now?" he asked with a "Are you serious?' written all over his face.

"No! He wants to sleep with his uncle! ......Liang Ren is sick so i have to take care of him!" She explained with a little hesitation.

"You love him,right?" he asked out of nowhere.

"No! Why would I?......" She was rendered speechless.

"Stop lying! It's obvious that you love him! Anyone can tell that you love him just by the way you look at him when he's not paying attention! Don't ever try to fool me!.....Go now! Your 'Big Baby' might be waiting for you!" he rolled his eyes and snatched Zhang Wei from her.

"Yeah! Keep rolling your eyes like that and maybe you would find a brain back there!" saying this,she went out.

She went to her room and found Liang Ren curling up into a ball and shivering.

She rubbed his palm a little and covered him with more blankets.

"Yiyi..." he mumbled.

"Yeah!"she said in the softest voice ever that would even melt a stone.

"I'm cold!" he mumbled.

"It's okay...You just have a little fever and cold. It's gonna be okay! Here take this medicine and you're gonna be fine!" She helped him to sit up and passed the medicine and a glass of water.

He swallowed the tablet with his eyes still closed and his head hurting from the light.

And then he again layed down with Yiyi's support. She sticked a fever reducing patch on his head that he was unaware of.

"cold! cold...." he kept on mumbling and yiyi was helpless now so she just climbed up on the bed and hugged him tightly. He was shaking violently in her arms and she can't do anything. She just held him tightly all night till the break of the dawn. His body was soaked in sweat as his fever broke and suddenly he felt weak and trembly as a kitten. Yiyi was wrapping her arms around him giving him warmth and her soft fingers were brushing through his hair.

She kept reassuring him that she is here and she's not gonna leave him.