
"You've been sleeping for more than six hours. It's 6:45 PM now!" She tried to move but her body was stiff and numb.

"WoW! This long!! And Why are you still like this ?" He frowned after seeing her on the same spot as she was before he slept. He quickly sat up and helped her massage her neck.

"You were sleeping like a little kid with no worries. So i didn't moved as it would have woken you up!" She explained while trying to crack her bones.

"No! You shouldn't have done that. Your body must be paining a lot!"

"It's okay....Are you hungry?" She grabbed his hands and asked gently while keeping her eyes closed.

"Yeah...I think so....Wait! Why Are they sleeping here with us? I mean with me? Not they! Why is that brat sleeping here and looking at his face makes me want to vomit." He asked while caressing his little son's face.

"It's kinda like a family sleepover. Don't worry about them.They will sleep until i am done preparing the dinner....Come...I will cook plain porridge for you!" she hissed in pain while trying to get off from the bed.

"No! I'm not sick anymore....I don't wanna drink that! Please....." he said in a pleading voice while carrying her up in his muscular arms.

"Fine.....Th-Thanks!!" She was too shy to look at his face. Even though they have kissed and cuddled many time,it was still strAnge for her to be in his arms. That was a new feeling that made her blush.Her face was brushing against his well built chest that was covered with a plain white shirt , was tempting her but she realised that they shouldn't have these types of contact so she controlled her emotions. He placed her on the kitchen cabinet and wore an apron himself.

"What are you trying to do??" She was startled by his actions and was about to step down when he held her by her waist.

"Be good and let me cook. It must be exhausting for you to take care of me so i want to make it up to you!" He pinched her cheeks lovingly and she froze on her spot and her lips trembled a little from this loving gesture.

He folded his sleeves and chopped the Vegetables and meats neatly. Yiyi was amazed by his great cooking skill. She wasn't able to see him cooking before but now that she had seen that,she knew that he is a better cook than the rest of them.

He was preparing the soup and asked her to taste it while holding a spoon for her lips to meet them. She drank a little and gave him a thumbs up while he gulped the rest down to his throat.

"No! It had my saliva on that!" she exclaimed.

"So? I've already tasted your saliva,lips,neck,chin, stomach, forehead and uh— Your BOOBS! What's wrong with tasting it one more time!" he replied and her blush was back now with more red colour on her cheeks. She was so done with his thick skin but she also knew that she can't do anything to him.

She coughed awkwardly and he Chuckled at her ' I'm innocent! Don't say this all in front of me!' expression.

He prepared two soups — Vegetable and a meat with some rice.

All this time,she was checking up on him unaware of the fact that he was noticing all her reactions and was smirking internally.

He served the foods nicely and placed it on the Dining Table.

He then carried her again in his arms while she hooked her arms around his neck trying to not fall down and placed her on his lap while he himself sat down on the chair.

"What are you doing??" she frowned after noticing that he had no intention of letting her go.

"What? Come on! You've to feed me! I'm hungry!" He acted like nothing happened.

"Yeah but let me wake them up first. It's already night now!" She tried to get up but his grip around her waist tightened.

"Don't wake them up yet! My son is sleeping so soundly...Please don't disturb him! They can re-heat the food later!" he whined and pouted.

"No! There's no need for that. You're already strong enough to cook and carry me so there won't be any problem in eating your dinner all by yourself!" Saying this she slapped his hands and got up.

"You're in pain! Let me do that for you!" Liang Ren let her sit on the chair and he himself went to wake the two of them up. He turned on the lights and

carried the sleepy Zhang Wei up and placed her on Yiyi's lap. He again went inside but this time he didn't carried...he just shouted while standing beside him .

"Liu Wei! You Lazy Ass! Wake up! It's dinner time already! Eat the dinner if you want to!" His Shout was loud enough for Liu Wei to wake up,he opened his sleepy eyes slightly but the light was stinging that gave him a headache.

"Why are you so inhuman?" He mumbled in his sleepy voice while Liang Ren went out leaving him rolling on the bed behind.

He rolled over for a little,rubbed his eyes and stretched a little. He came out and saw Yiyi waiting for him to eat while Liang Ren was already eating and feeding Zhang Wei.

He patted her shoulders in happiness and sat beside her.

"You're the best,Cupcake!" He kissed her forehead and Liang Ren got angry.

"Stop calling her cupcake! She is my cupcake! And don't you ever dare to kiss her again!" He yelled and the little boy in his lap flinched.

"Stop it! You're scaring my son and stop being so possessive. It's just a forehead kiss."

"What-..." He was about to say more but yiyi placed a big piece of meat in his mouth to shit him up but anyone who was there in that apartment could clearly hear his muffled voice. Liu Wei laughed at their interaction and leaned over on her body, placing his head against her.

Liang Ren's blood started boiling so much that if someone wants to ,they can steam their dumplings just by placing it beside him.

The three of them laughed at his darkened face and continued eating their dinner.

Liang Ren would've picked up a fight with Liu Wei if his son wasn't here with him.

He didn't wanted to ruin his gentle image so he just shrugged a little and continued feeding Zhang Wei. Yiyi knew that he was angered to the extent so she wasn't sure what he would do with it tonight. Though it's easy to tame him... but it's still hard to control his anger.

She moved her legs inside the table and it touched Liu Wei's,she caressed it as if wanting to say something... . He spilled the soup all over his face and coughed violently while yelling at her.

"Hey! That's my leg!" She slapped her forehead in frustration.

"Well...You were supposed to whisper it and yeah i knew that was yours...i was about to say something to you but you ruined it!" The both of them looked at Liang Ren awkwardly who has his jaw clenched and a cold,killing intent in his brown eyes. The Atmosphere was a little stiff for the rest of the dinner time.