8. The plight of host and system

"What about it?" Le Fangling was upset when the system suddenly paused in between.


The system finally answered after a minute of silence.

"You should have said so earlier…" The anticipation brought due to the silence almost killed her. Even though she was a newbie to all this cultivation thingy, she knew dantian was an important element required to cultivate.

If something was to happen to it…..She did not even dare think about it.

The system added with a doubt itself. Since the skill analyze was a basic level skill currently, it could not figure out the right conclusion.

It was not something dangerous but it was still something that had to be taken in to considerations.

The system apologized as it was failure of the system to not be able to do something that was asked of it.

But it too was bound by rules and had it's limitation, so nothing could be done about it.

"As long as its intact, we can figure out the thing later on." Le Fangling consoled the system which sounded a little sad to her or was it her illusion?

The sound rang inside his head with the tone of system back to normal.

"...", That was a fast change in the emotion.

'What ever...' She did not pry in to it.

"Well, then lets get started with the stabilizing thingy." Le Fangling began taking off her clothes that were tattered and battered to the point of barely hiding her body.

"…..And I just realized it now?" She wanted to slap herself for being inconsiderate of the body.

With the numbing effect wearing off along with the immobilization effect, the pain returned making her break out in sweat.

As of now, the body was still a mortal body so the pain was more than enough to make her tremble like a new born fawn.

"Forbidden or not, I am coming in." Taking a deep breathe, she slipped out of her robes and walked towards the pond.

The clearing around the pond was filled with green grasses that seemed to be brimming with vitality and life while the pond which was as clear as a silvered glass, reflected her face and body.

"Sigh…what did they do to your face little girl?" She whispered with pity and sympathy looking at the face full of injuries and cuts.

But who was she to talk when she had her face slammed in with a stone as if truck kun was not enough to isekai her.

The system answered her questions.

"By that Le Laoling guy I suppose."

"Sigh…This girl is unlucky to have such a cruel elder brother. But why does he hate her?"

"He hates me because I am another child? It's not like I am an illegitimate child?" Le Fangling asked with a light chuckle but the answer was way too obvious.


"Any other information?" She asked the system.

"So, the system works this way…Then I guess we are pretty much clueless for now."


"But am I a beauty in this life?" hHe asked admiring the reflection of the beautiful hour glass shaped body.

The system replied to her question.

"Heh…I have got something to look forward to after this." Le Fangling chuckled while hissing in pain occasionally when the broken rib scratched her flesh tissues and lungs from inside.

With a splashing sound, Le Fangling walked inside the water.


Meanwhile, A tall figure in a bright lustrous green robe was walking in the forest towards the pond.

It just happened that he was also going towards there to kill some time.

"Why do I have to search for some useless Le girl I don't even know?" He broke off a branch of the tree in irritation, his eyebrows knitted in a tight frown.

Since it was an order form his master, he could not refute it but that did not mean he was not allowed to dilly dally a little bit.

As he was walking, he suddenly sensed a region with a strong spiritual energy concentered in a place.

Stopping in his steps, he looked around at the place he was.

"This place, don't tell me I am near a strong spiritual region?" He noticed the lush vegetation around, a sign that the place he was at had an abundance of the natural essence.

"I almost stepped in a forbidden area." Letting out a sigh in relief, he was about to turn back when he felt the fluctuation in the spiritual energy concentration due to intervene form external body.

"This…." He knew someone was currently in the forbidden place. As an righteous cultivator, he was obliged to follow the rules and not step in any forbidden place.

But now that there was someone, he, as a dutiful cultivator had to catch the culprit. Since he could sense another weak presence for a mere second in the centre are of the forest, he knew he had to go there to check.

With a jump, he reached on the top most branch of a tree. He kneeled on the branch and with a whoosh he disappeared from there and reappeared at the branch of a tree that was nearest to the pond.

He camouflaged his presence.

"A garbage?" He noticed something on the ground and jumped down from the tree and picked up that *something.*

"….." T-T-This….He stuttered inside his head and immediately let go of the *something* which was none other than Le Fang ling's torn and worn out dress.

His eyes immediately fell on the Le Family emblem on the dress, his face stiffened looking at the symbol he hated the most.

"So, the one who was here is that Le girl huh?" Gaining back his composure he smirked when he found the target he was looking for but hoping not to find.

'What will you do now, baby girl…I found you.' He smirked, eyes showing a playful yet malicious smile directed at the figure that was inside the pond.

Picking up the dress, he disappeared from that place and appeared on top of the branch he was at.


Once inside the pond, Le Fangling dipped herself inside, immersing in the water from head to toe and rose up once again.

'This appears shallower than it looks like.' Le Fangling could easily stand on the pond, the water level covering the body up to the navel.

Although she did no know what she was doing, following her instinct and of course the direction of system, Le Fangling closed her eyes and immersed herself in meditation but the exhaustion combined with the warm feeling the pond was giving made her fall asleep.

There was continuous notification sound inside her head but the drowsiness overtook her senses.

The system sensed the host was drowsy so it proposed the sue of skill.

*No response*

The system thought that the host was mediating so it did not probe any further as the body was absorbing the spiritual essence from the pond.

< 'Maybe I sensed wrong' > The system reprimanded itself for doubting the host and thinking he was sleeping in middle of meditation.

Now that it was stable, the system channeled the qi into its own system and started healing the body of the host.

Starting from the spine and broken ribs, the system finally healed the physical injuries of Le Fangling and moved to fixing the internal problem in the meridians.

The system sent out a warning sound. While the body continued to absorb, they did not get channeled to the whole body because the system could not unblock some of the blocked channels.

As the body itself has never practiced any cultivation, the body did not have a solid cultivation base that could store all this excess amount of spiritual energy.

If this continued, the body was sure to boom!! Not explode really.. but it will cause harm to the body.

< "...…">

The system finally realized the host had fallen asleep and was not M.E.D.I.T.A.T.I.N.G!

A loud notification rang in Le Fangling's head making her wake up from her deep dream full of things she did not understand.

"You are done already? That was fast."

"I feel much better.." there was no more pain and stiffness in the body. She actually felt quite light like she could fly any moment.

"Holy god, what's with that notification?" She looked at almost 50+ notification on the screen.

"Wait what do you mean you use sleep resistance on me?" She looked at the tab and felt something was wrong.

"I don't know how to…."

Despite her waking up, the body continued to absorb the energy and the status tab continued to flood with notifications saying her spiritual energy was already above the threshold energy point for his body.

Without wasting anytime, Le Fangling walked out of the pond and immediately landed on the grassy ground.

Within a few moments, the notification numbers dropped significantly along with the essence that was being absorbed by the body.

"That was weird..."

The system analyzed the problem and could only end with the deduction that it had to do with the weird composition of the dantian of the host's body.

"Am I terminally sick?" le Fangling asked with expression giving off vibes of droopy ears.

"Is it a good thing?" Le Fangling asked with a doubt.


Both of them sighed in unison as Le Fangling wondered about the body shegot stuck with while the system contemplated on the soul it was assigned to.

The system finally came with a solution.

"Right, until I get someone to take me in as disciple who is willing to look at my condition." Le Fangling added.

"Now that I am fit and fine, Let's go back." Le Fangling returned to the place where she had taken off her robes only to find it empty!!

" Did it grow wings and fly away somewhere?" Xin Xiao wondered and even felt it might have been the case with how this world was filled with many many weird thing.

"Right…" Crouching down on the floor, Le Fangling let out a sigh.

"Anything troubling you, young lady?" A figure jumped down from the tree and appeared behind Le Fangling.
