42. The Famous Le Family Girl

Le Fangling walked towards the entrance that was made up of bamboo straw and stood below the entrance. The vines that grew there had coiled themselves around the tall bamboo supports and the flowers blooming there added to the beauty of gate.

"This is the outer court? It's.." Le Fang ling asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's the outer court for outer court disciples such as you." An Cheng nodded her head and added to her confirmation.

"This place is simply too good. Why do people talk as if outer court disciples are mistreated?" Le Fangling lightly shrugged her shoulder and heaved a long sigh.

"I did say that people like to make their own assumptions." An Cheng gave her a pat on the back and pushed her inside.

"Go on now." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and smiled after handing her the number of her living quarter.

"You are not going to come in with me?"