Fu Yao Yao

[Spiritual roots: Heaven Realm Lightning]

[Strength: 28]

[Cultivation Level: 2nd layer of Body Tempering Realm]

Elder Shen announced the result of assessment causing the whole crowd to gasp in shock and surprise.

That was a high number for a new recruit who had just joined a sect and even her spiritual was a rare one.

Even her spiritual root was refined to the grade of Heaven Realm at such a young age.

Although metal, water, air, earth and fire were the main spiritual roots, there were variants who appeared once in many many years with unique spiritual roots.

Lightning based spiritual root was one of them and it was like a double edged sword.

While it was powerful and had many potential allowing the cultivators to advance through ranks faster than other cultivators, problems came when they were at the final stage of ascending to godhood.