There is no turning back

"What are you doing here?" A cold voice called out to Elder Lin from behind her. There was neither hostility nor friendliness in that voice but, in this place, which was an unknown territory for her, it could mean life threatening if she did not take precaution at each of her steps.

Elder Lin looked sideways from where she was but since she was covered by thick mist and fog from all side, she could not see anything or anyone.

'I can't see her. I understand.' Elder Lin thought. "But it's weird that I did not even sense her presence.' Elder Lin thought and immediately got more alert. Whoever it was, it was definitely not a foe but she definitely wasn't her friend either.

Elder Lin took out a talisman from her spiral ring, held it between her fingers and without a moment of delay leaped up in the air.

"Who is there?" She flew three steps back as she turned around at the source of sound. But, to her dismay, there was no one.