Where Did This Bad Fruit Come From?


Long lines of narrow and sharp cracks were seen on the walls of the corridors they were in due to the immense amount of pressure that the Head of the Le family was exerting in the atmosphere. It was simply too much to handle at once.

"Master, you have awakened." The tow guards who were kneeling on the ground got up in their feet and bowed down before Le Zuan who was glowing with a red aura surrounding his body.

"Zaotin!", " Zhen!"

He called both of their names, his voice commanding absolute control from them.

'This presence…' Both of them gulped down nervously as they felt the new strength of their master that was rippling through all of his body.

The head of the Le Family was indeed strong cultivator but he appeared much stronger than when he had went into the seclusion.