The Unexpected Duel(3)

"Anything huh?" Le Fang Ling was amused by the way Elder Lin did things. She was no restricting their fight but was also making them be on edge all the time by saying it.

One wrong move and it was all over for them.

The fight just got harder due to this fact.

"Underhanded tactics and skill? Humph, person as righteous as me has no need for something as trivial as that." Song Yang wrinkled his brows in disgust as he looked at the smiling face of Le Fang Ling.

'You won't be smiling like that any longer, junior sister,' he snickered in his heart and knew that he had already won the fight before it even started.


Elder Lin's voice echoed in the hall indicating the beginning of the match.

Elder Lin had already excused herself to the place among the students and was looking at the duel as a spectator. That way she was going to be able to catch their faults all the while enjoying the fight to the full.