The bun selling Uncle is SUS!

No sooner had they entered inside the boundary of the vineyard city, a middle aged man dressed in normal clothing approached them out of nowhere.

Since the man approached out of nowhere, Le fang ling immediately became cautious. The man smiled showing all of his teeth and held out the thing he was holding in his hands.

"Welcome young miss, will you be willing to try this?"

A steaming bun appeared in front of them and the rich aroma from the bun permeated the air. Even the brownish and golden color of the bun was attractive enough for them to drool just  by looking at it.

"A bite is  all it gonna take, heh." The shopkeeper saw the look in their face and knew that a little push was all it gonna take for him to make them try his buns.

As for Le fang Ling and Nagina, they would have loved to try this bun which looked nothing like what they ate in the sect canteen but!