The Ominous Foreboding

The thick scent of fresh grape juice invaded their nostrils and filled their lungs with its sweet and intoxicating smell.

"Smells sweet," Nagina inhaled the sweet aroma that was floating in the air and smiled showing her pearly white fangs which added a charm to her already overflowing cuteness.

"Of course it does," Le Fang Ling could not help but smile at the young girl who was far more excited than she was to visit the festival.

"We came at the right time." She smiled looking around at the busy and crowed streets.

Big red lanterns hung on the wall and every corners of the street, illuminating the whole area. Beautiful dancers dressed in long and flimsy robes were dancing in the stage, waving their fan in the air while smiling seductively at the audiences from beneath their veil.

"Are  you having fun?" Le Fang Ling glanced at the round and glittering eyes which reflected the lights from the lanterns.