Maybe We Should Stop Here Now?! (R18)

  'Soft,' Le fang Ling thought as she continued nibbling at Nagina's lips. Her movements were somewhat crude and rough around the edges but she soon got the hang of it as she continued to lick and suck on her bottom lips.

It was her first time kissing a girl…

Truth be told, it was her first kiss ever and the fact that she was doing it with someone she loved made her stomach turn and twist in knots.

Never did she know how addictive can the taste be which made her want to go further.

Yet, in her selfishness, she did not want to scare the girl in her arms. She wanted it to be as gentle as possible. She wanted to cherish every moment of it while wanting Nagina to remember each and every second of this moment.

The flutter inside her heart intensified while her heart started to pound in her chest like the thundering drums of the battlefields.