Pah Jama Vs Zheng Pao!

As soon as they walked in to the hall, the first sight that welcomed them was that of a young man staring at them with a wide opened eyes and a frozen look on his face.

He seemed to be a young man in his mid twenties with a well developed body and figure. But, he was somewhat lacking in luster that a healthy body, something a man in his prime was supposed to be carrying.

"Hahh!" A loud bellow of anger echoed in the room once again as a slightly burly man who was behind him struck him with both of his palm on his back.

The crowd that had been going wild seeing them go at each others throat suddenly went silent upon seeing that final move.

Even the young man himself seemed to have no idea on what just happened to him. With his eyes open like that of a fish, he coughed out a mouthful of blood as he fell down head first on the elevated fighting arena.