Outside the Arena! End of the Match!

"Save my jade locket girly!" Master Yi Feng wanted to cry out at her but his persona of a sophisticated person that he had cultivated for so long did not allow him to break it.

He simply raised his hands up to his face and stroked his beard, looking deep in thought.


"Come here little girl, heh," Zheng Pao sneered at her as he gestured her to attack him. But despite looking lax and relaxed about this whole thing, he had sharpened hi spiritual sense to a higher level. It allowed him to sense and see what was happening around him.

Pah Jama knew that the guy had more skills and tricks up his sleeve. To be one of the best fighter in a place such as this, she knew he had insane amount of original techniques.

The fight before was just a simple showcase of his ability. She would have to concentrate more on the surrounding in this fight even while keeping her eyes on him.