Sweet potatoes Or Sweet lips?

"You can eat sweet potatoes junior sister ahahaha!"….' The statement of the senior sister ran in her mind as she stood holding three sweet potatoes.

"Heekk…no wonder… he said that." With tear almost falling down like waterfall, Le Fang Ling looked at Nagina who was simply staring at her.

"Now now, don't make that kind of face," she slightly scolded her in a pampering kind of voice.

"But," Le Fang Ling refuted but was directly cut off by Nagina.

"At least there is something. You should be glad you are not going to starve to death! Humph!" Nagina crossed her arms in front of her chest as she closed her eyes. She slightly opened one of her eyes and peeked at Le Fang Ling.

The canteen hall was almost good as empty with only few students left behind in groups. She took a glance at the corner where few boys were snickering and laughing as they made some kind of jokes.