The Title is ELITE!

"Here you go," Elder Mo said in a grim voice as he placed down the scroll he was holding on the table. 

He is regretting his decision of letting this girl take away the scroll and he wanted to change the name 

of the scroll but it was out of question. He didn't have authority to do something like that. 

He moved a few steps back from the counter and started to stroke his beard with his eyes closed. But all 

the while, he was secretly eyeing the girl to see her reaction to the name of it.

He didn't know that he was subconsciously stroking his beard with a little too much force, that a few strands of his white beard got plucked out from his chin and were slowly falling down like snow. 


He was too occupied to notice a few measly strands of hair that was falling down and covering his floor. 

While he was still stroking his beard, he watched as Le Fang Ling unfold the scroll and went through it. 
