Beast In The Cave (2)

"Okay, that will be enough!" An elderly voice echoed in the cave all of sudden.  The palm that was about to strike Le fang Ling paused in midair as if it was under some kind of spell.  Le fang Ling heard the voice and immediately recognized it.

She curled up her lips in a smile as she confirmed her guess.

  "I knew it," she mumbled lightly as she nodded her head in relief.

It was indeed another test that she was put through by her master. How she knew? Well, the voice she heard was too easy for her to recognize as the one belonging to her master's.

With a low grunt, the beast stepped back with reluctance evident in its step and anger burning in its eyes. It purely hated Le Fang Ling for all the trouble she gave to him. Even though it had immense pride and unwillingness to go and do something to her, it could only obey the words of the person who just spoke.