A Prank? Where is the Camera?

"Master, I am awaiting your commands," Le Fang Ling said with a solemn tone.

Nagina too had missed her feeling of sitting on her shoulder in her tiny form. Although she loved her half snake form and human form, she also felt this tiny form of he had its own charm and pros.

She too stopped her excited hissings and waited for the old man in front of her to speak. She too had been recognized by the Elder as his disciple after the short exchange she just had.

She knew she was going to be able to learn many new things, well…she did have to become cautious as to not let out her secrets out in the open.

Faced with two pair of eyes that were staring at him intensely, Master Yi Feng felt himself getting cold sweat on his back.

"Ahemm," he cleared his throat to hide his nervousness and anxiety.