Ehh? You Actually Did It?

A spatial tear appeared on the space which grew bigger and bigger until it was large enough for a human figure to enter through it. Dressed in a long black robe with a slight gold border, an elderly man came out of the spatial tear.

He stood for a while on the ground, without showing any sign of moving.

"Was I gone for long?" he thought to himself as he looked around, feeling a little lost.

Shaking his head, he started to head towards the monastery on the top of one of the hill. He was just out of his dimension for a bit, spent a moment in the mortal realm and returned back.

The sky had turned a deep shade of red and orange color with some stares scattered all over the evening sky, looking like a scene out of an enchanting fairy tale.

The time difference was indeed something he never understood but oh well..

"I am just a small existence in this vast universe," he shook his head while increasing his footsteps towards the monastery.