The Annual Tournament: Let it Begin!!

On the bottom of the vermillion bird peak, the Vineyard Village was hustling and bustling as usual. As a matter of fact, it was livelier than ever with many people crowding the streets and inn.

People of all shape, size and color were walking around. While few people had been here since the day of the harvest festival, many people had appeared just today in the town.

Among these new influx of people, a few group of people stood out.

Those were the groups of sects from all over the continent. Few small and unknown groups were also  there but in front of the aura and charm of the entire prominent sect clans, they were comparable to insects in front of elephants.

There were a few rogue cultivators as well who had come to this town to take part in the annual tournament.

Since the place was flooded with both participants and audiences, everyone was trying their best to  find a reasonable place to stay at with a reasonable and affordable price.