The Secret Chamber In The Vermillion Bird Peak

Don't forget to give that signed photograph to my brother," she patted his shoulder one last time. "He will be paying a shit ton for many many things… including this."

  Leaving behind the frozen stiff boy, Le fang Ling walked away, towards a darker place in the forest. 

Taller and thicker pine trees grew there. They completely blocked the sunlight and cast dark shadows on the ground.

This worked like a natural hideout. Coincidentally, it hid the entrance to the hidden cave in the Vermillion bird peak. 

It was the same cave where An Cheng had taken her to visit when she first met her. She had somehow placed this thing at the back of her head as she was busy with training and other things. 

While trying to lead her pursuer to an isolated location, she somehow ended up coming back here.