The Behind The Scene (1)

"Is anything the matter?" The prince who had remained silent all this while spoke. He looked at Sect Leader Huang Liu and Grandmaster Lan who had suddenly increased their divine sense. Their aura was sharp and cautious as if they were looking out for something.

"Your highness," Grandmaster Lan smiled in an attempt to show that everything was alright. "It never hurts to stay alert at all times now, does it?" he added. The smile grew much brighter than before. 

The Prince narrowed his eyes at the sly old man. His words were indeed true, but if used under these circumstances, they sounded a bit suggestive.

The Prince forced a smile on his face.

He had known Grandmaster Lan for a long time now. He was and still is a famous figure even in the Royal Palace. His father, the great Emperor of the Twin star continent, respected the man. 

To be hailed as one of the strongest elders in the whole continent was a great feat.