Going Separate Path

Hearing her, the Prince was in a good mood. Her noble appearance was one of the reasons he accepted this marriage. He could use this as one of his cards in this gamble of his. Apart from her body and beautiful face, her temperament was one of the best.

"However," Lady Shen stood up from her seat and looked at Grandmaster Lan and the trio. "There is something you should know." 

"Oh, please entertain us," Elder Shen was interested in what she had to say. After spending the entire day working like a donkey, his senses have somehow sharpened. Looking at her, he could see that she was not playing games..or that was what he thought.

While the rest of the sect leaders and grandmaster present there were waiting for her to speak, the Prince was shaken inside. Shen Qinyue rarely spoke, however, she was speaking now and was trying to contradict him.