Side Effect?

Hui Yin Shi furiously glared at the golden eel. She slowly condensed the last bit of her external Yin energy on her right palm. "Hehe, too bad for you, your core is already in my control."

Fighting this sea beast that was considered a level 5 monster in the mainland was actually easy for her. The only thing that made her become vulnerable against its attack was when she started refining its core in her body.

"Woman, you are too ambitious! Refining my core directly in your body, do you know the side effect of that? You will be consumed with the extreme appetite of lust if you don't spit my core out! Are you sure you will be able to handle this desire?" the sea beast stated while swirling its body around her, just waiting for the lady to return the core.

"Well, I have enough people that can neutralize whatever this side effect that you are saying. Hehehe, it's one easy side effect in my opinion," she gazed at the golden eel with an ice-cold expression that was raging in her eyes.

It was enough to freeze the entire ocean. If only she finished off the sea beast earlier, she would not have come to this situation!

"Presumptuous! You... you... you!" the golden eel scowled deeply. This beast became speechless after knowing how passive attitude of the lady towards the side effect.

"My lack of judgment had put me into this! If only I knew that you'll retaliate, I would have killed you right away! I will kill you!" the lady repeated.

This time, the entire external Yin energy in her palm formed into a dark crescent.

"I have never seen an arrogant woman like you! Do you really think that you can withstand the effect of my core? Woman, you need thousands of me to be able to get through the side effect!" the golden eel mumbled.

"You don't need to worry about that. You'll soon die anyway!" Hui Yin Shin murmured.

"Bah! You will kill me? Come if you can!" the voice of the eel continued to hint a mockery. One that made the head of Hui Yin Shi filled with rage.

The water around Hui Yin Shi's body started to bubble. After some time, her expression changed. An evil smile appeared on her lips and her gaze looked calm yet sinister.

"What a waste of opportunity! Rumors say that you have lived for millennia. A beast like you should be wise enough to know that retaliation is not part of your option to survive. You could have scram now for you to remain alive. Hahaha, what a fool beast!"

"Look at you...Tsk! Are you even a lady? Don't you have a family that teaches you how a woman should act? You should maintain as calm and gentle," the golden eel continued.

"I just showed mercy, but you don't appreciate it. Don't worry, I will kill you!" Hui Yin Shi vowed. At that point, the external Yin energy in her palm had formed into a dark orb. As she released the Yin energy, it instantly traveled towards the direction of the golden eel...


A silent explosion sounded on the bottom of the sea. The entire sand and seaweeds were disturbed making the water unclear.

"Hehe," Hui Yin Shi produced a malicious laugh. A smile curved on her lips while looking at the clouded waters.

After a while, when the water became clear, her expression changed once more. There was a disappointment in her eyes seeing that the sea beast was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmmph! What a lucky beast! She actually managed to escape from my attack!?" she mumbled in disbelief.

Hui Yin Shi had lost sight of the golden eel. Whether the monster was dead from her attack or if it had escaped, she was not certain.

Her concern was directed back to her own survival. She was determined to get out of the water.

"Ahh! My body started to numb. I have used too much of my Yin energy just by refining the core of the beast. But, I must survive. I know I can," Hui Yin Shin repeatedly mumbled and removed her silver robe. She felt that the robe was only limiting her movements.

As the silver clothing was discarded on the water, it revealed the perfect body a woman could ever obtain. The garment was instantly carried away by the strong water currents while Hui Yin Shi started moving upwards.

She could sense that she was almost out of breath. Her slender arms and legs continued to paddle their way out.

Not long after, the lady's movement turned still, and before she knew it, coldness enveloped her body then, she had lost her awareness...

Although she could not feel her body anymore, she did not continue to shrink.

The lingering external Yin energy in her hand proceeded to pull her upwards to float until she reached the surface of the water...

The thunder and lightning played softly in the sky. Hui Yin Shi tried her best to regain her consciousness but the sound from above somehow felt very comforting that she just wanted to sleep.

Birds flew and circled the area where her body was drifting. But as the water current started to get stronger, her body washed away.

There were two distinct figures floating in the ocean. It was shining like a decorative pearl on the surface of seawater.

One figure was floating towards the vast island. But, it was not the unconscious Hui Yin Shi. It was the robe that she had discarded. It gives off an ominous feeling to whoever would see it.

The other figure was carried by the tidal flow of currents going farther and farther away...


On the shoreline, Qing Shan Rou and his beast had just arrived. They were high-spirited for a different reason.

The tiger beast aimed for the yin core of the sea monster while his master looked forward to testing his power against a high-level monster.

As the two looked above the sky, they noticed that the dark clouds started to disappear.

"The weather is changing," Qing Shan Rou stated. He felt something odd around the sea area however he could not tell exactly what it was.