New friends?

Another dream crept up to me today but this time much more worse.

{Coraline's Dream}

"Where am I!?" As I see clearer it's a room, with a picture of me "Coraline!" There are unknown voices..."Help us!"..."Coraline Help me!!" I turned around to look for the voices, They have a bloody and scared faces they look at me with wide scared eyes and the scenario changed. I'm now in my living room, there were now different people that has the same impression. I felt guilt come over me, Why am not helping them? The place suddenly changed to a museum. I saw some other people beside me laughing and giggling, they have different fancy dresses and beautiful faces, but one thing is keeping them the same, that is their dirty souls. They are laughing at a visible glassroom with people that have ripped clothes and bloody faces. Some people inside are fighting the hurt while some are accepting that they are gonna die, the people inside are going crazy. While I am here doing nothing, I am just staring at them while they are suffering. They are turning... zombies!? I finally have something to do I tried breaking the glasses but it just won't break, I keep doing the same thing but I keep getting far away from the glass, like someone was pulling me away. A beautiful and elegant lady calls me her daughter telling me to stop helping them or they are going to kill me like they did to my friends. I was confused and asked her if who was going to kill me instead of answering she just sobbed and cried not answering my question.

{End of Coraline's dream}

I don't know if this is a clue or a warning from the past but I'm literally going crazy. This past few dreams are making me insane and confused at the same time. Creak* I heard some noise from the living room and decided to check it out. "What are you doing Marcus?" I shouted not quite loud to stop him from going out of the house." I would just hunt some zombies for our cultivation tomorrow" he said "Does Sky knows what your doing?" I asked feeling a deep premonition rise from me. "No, you want to come?" He said with his ever so serious face. "Yeah sure"I replied. 'I'll just accompany him to make sure nothing goes wrong' I thought to myself. ran outside and ran in the tall grasses (there were an old neighbor who have a farm near). We ran outside after grabbing our weapons before stealthily moving to each houses killing every zombies we see and digging their core.

We both also went near to the market place to see if we can handle the zombies there. Upon seeing it ourselves we do not dare to go near the market place. Not until we level up. He glanced at me and pinched my arms. Angry I looked at him and pulled out my attention from the zombies. He gestured at one of the stores that is not yet hoarded. Blending in with the darkness we tried to go there without attracting any zombies. Entering a zombie pounced at Marcus he quickly used his hands to stop the zombies mouth from biting his face he carefully used his hands around its face to push it backwards it does not have arms and looks beaten up. I beheaded the zombie immediately after the shock.

I used Marcus's knife to behead the zombies to not make any sound to not attract the marketplace zombies. "That was fast" I whispered silently. After hoarding the store and putting in in our bags we both looked at each other for eachothers next move. After staring at each other for 10 second he walked to me before leaning into me and whispering"Let's go" in my ear. We carefully ran past through a street as I noticed two girls that I saw in my balcony last time. There one of the twin girl is stuck with a wire wrapped around its neck and is clearly choking. I grabbed Marcus's shoulder as I pointed out the two girls. There is another girl helping her out but seems to be having a difficulty its hands are bleeding and she is clearly sobbing. It's seems like the sound of the girl choking and the girls sobbing and blood attracted Zombies as I saw a few near market place zombies turn around their direction. I looked at Marcus guiltily as I dragged him to the girls and push him to them."We will help" I said giving him a wire cutter we found in the store. I killed the group of zombies while Marcus helped the now unconscious girl get out of the wires. The conscious girl stared at Marcus real hard like he is going to kill the other girl warily. Seeing her sister (probably) she thanked us and introduced herself as Shion. (The introduction will be added at the end of the story).

Luckily no more zombie has been attracted as I invited them in my house. Sky look pissed when we got home upon seeing new people we brought home and the fact we left her alone. She only got angry for a few minutes and relented with some of Marcus's cooking. The two girls are extremely quite as I guessed that its a suicidal attempt because of deprived hope.Marcus apologized and I feel bad so I apologized to Sky too. "Who is the level 2 here? Me. Why would you not bring me?! If you both would just go out there without me why don't we all just split up and be on our own? huh? You both seemed like you act on impulse you both stupid! At ikaw kuya nakakainis ka talaga!" she said while she punching Marcus's chest. "Hey That's rude now stop it. I promise I will not do it again" Marcus said catching one of his sisters punch. I sat there awkwardly as the two women stared at the siblings bantering . Grabbing my axe I cleaned it quietly in the sofa while Marcus makes dinner. The suicidal is still not awake and is sleeping on my bed. You must be wondering why, it was smelly because of the blood of the zombies I killed earlier.I washed it and then I sharpened and polished my axe so it will look better and good. I love my axe when sharpened because it was easier to stab or use.

Author: So here is introduction for the 2 teen girls. Please read!

The one who you know in the wires



The one who's helping her out



That's all!