Shion's Power

I changed into a loose shirt and short shorts and also put my pale blue hair into a ponytail. My scars can be seen on some parts of my legs as I look at them the more I think that my legs looked absolutely hideous. Taking my shorts off I swapped it with long jeans to hide my scars. Going out of the bathroom I saw all of them gathered around Tasha as they read a Dark Purple Paper and with Black spots all over it. It reminded me of the gem I touched in my dream. "Oh there's your sister," Marcus said glancing at me before poking Tasha to get her attention.

"Sis! It explains your power and now.. you can be an assassin!" Tasha said with a sweet smile. Assassin? Hmm, a sneak attack power?. I walked closer to them to check my power. Actually, in my dream, I tried to catch that purple-black tear-shaped gem since it kept disappearing in the dark. Taking the paper in it I smirked upon seeing its contents. I am now an official assassin pff just kidding. Its Contents Are:


Hello Master! Your Power Is Umbraportation. You are currently Level 0 With no Experience yet. If you gain 2000 Experience you will level up and your status will too. To gain exp you can kill zombies while using your power and will give you 50 exp points. Umbraportation means Teleportations via darkness. Your power is especially strong at night where the world is enveloped with darkness. In the daytime, your power is limited to shadows of things like buildings trucks, and so on. You have a limitation and time count down for every time you use your power. After using it you will suffer some nausea and if the light hits you, you will slowly burn like a vampire for 25 minutes.

Power: Umbraportation

EXP: 0

Reloading time: 45 minutes for 1 teleportation turn

Teleportation Turn: 3

Side-effect time: 25 minutes

Cooldown: 30 seconds


Version 3.5? Welp. "They can update?" Janice said one of her eyebrows arching up. The three of them took out their Power sheets as they looked into it. Marcus's paper is as straight as mine but a little crumpled in the edges, the paper is deep green with a few stems crawling here and there. Sky, his sister has a crumpled deep blue paper with two-line that looks like a slash. Janice however pulled out a plain yellow paper with a few coffee stains as a design. It is folded when she pulled it out of her bag. "I really got to grind some more experience," Marcus said to Janice as he puts his power sheet back in a folder and back into his bag. "Well mine is relatively easy but I will really suffer if I want to grind" Sky muttered before pushing it back to her pocket. "Well mine sure is hard," Janice said before folding it again and putting it in her pockets.

"Can I pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssseeee have a try??" Tasha asked me while tugging at my sleeves. Glancing at our new acquaintances; they nodded at me as a sign that they can continue supervising us. "Well sure, you and Rina can have a go. Jack and Jake, you can get your powers tomorrow since it'll be nighttime soon" I said patting Jack's fluffy hair. "Well, I'll go home and cook tonight. Do you all have some food for dinner?" Marcus stood up as he dusted his pants and stretch. "Well we can surely just eat some corned beef that we got from one of the houses," Jack said with his usual soft smile. "You have oil? Gas?" Marcus asked him. I pulled my attention off them as Janice instructed my twin sisters about it. Sky is bending down as she talks with Rina which is very lively today. Rina became very depressed after her fiance cheated on her with the deaths of our close servants on the way here.....Haaaaa just I hope she can get over her depression and be happy every day like before despite the apocalypse.

Sky sat down next to me as both of them fell deeper into the dream-picking gems. Stretching my hands I laid down my head on one of its armrests as I drifted to sleep.

*Jack and Marcus's Conversation*

"Well we do have some little and no water so we won't have rice" he replied to me. Man, is this pal the one cooking for this group?. Sighing I count the people on my group and his group and I should cook a big pot of lugaw tonight so It would be an easy cook. "Well I can cook ya'll portion tonight but you are going to help me," I said pointing at him. "Yeah sure," he said smiling and standing up. Putting my hands in the pockets of my hoodie I walked down the stairs as Jack follow me. Going down for a few minutes I frowned as we both found ourselves back at the entrance of their rooms. I frowned turning to him as Jack laughed lightly. "Let me help lead you out," he said taking the lead. I followed him as we entered one room on the 3rd floor and went on another set of stairs before we saw the front door out. Peeking outside vigilantly I saw a dozen zombies walking aimlessly on the road. Quickly forming a plan I looked at my scrawny-looking companion and wondered if he can fight. "Can you fight?" I asked him as he grins.