Chapter 12: Journey continues

Alex decides to continue his journey from the very next day so he packs up everything for the journey at the night and goes to sleep.

Morning next day Alex takes a good look at his pokemons stats.

Pokemon name: Gastly

Gender: Female

Age: 3 months

Level: 22(low Elite)

Status: Healthy

Attribute: Ghost/ poison

Talent: Levitate

Potential: A

HP: 80→84

Attack: 65→69

Defence: 52→55

Special attack: 153→157

Special defence: 55→59

Speed: 125→130

Moves: confuse ray(E), lick(E), Astonish, Acid(M), Poison gas, hypnosis(E), nightshade(E), toxic(M), mean look, smog(M), sludge(E), scary face(E), Dream eater, will-o-wisp


Pokemon name: Slowpoke

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year & 4 months

Level: 33( High Elite)

Status: Healthy

Attribute: water / psychic

Talent: own tempo

Potential: A

HP: 200→204

Attack: 123→125

Defence: 113→115

Special attack: 86→88

Special defence: 80→85

Speed: 50→51

Moves: confusion(M), disable(M), headbutt, growl(E), water gun(M), belly drum, protect(E), tackle, Amnesia, bubble(M), water sport(E), barrier, dream eater(E), Yawn(E), light screen, snore, bubble beam(M), Body slam, safeguard, stomp,


Pokemon name: pidgeotto

Gender: Male

Age: 8 months

Level: 20(top normal)

Status: healthy

Attribute: flying/ normal

Talent: keen eyes

Potential: A

HP: 124

Attack: 100

Defence: 88

Special attack: 83

Special defence: 81

Speed: 120

Moves: gust(M), agility(M), sand attack, tackle, feather dance(M), protect, whirlwind(E), Foresight, pursuit, Double team (E), Wing Attack(E), Steel Wing(E), twister.

'Yup they are all good, time to get the wheels rolling again... Time to say goodbyes' Alex thinks to himself. Alex finds professor Oak and Daisy near the lab looking after the Pokemons.

Alex: professor it's time for me to go

Professor Oak: Ho oh thats too bad had a good time with you... You are are always welcome here Alex. Here take this with you it will useful during your journey

Saying so professor Oak gives him a pokedex

Daisy: goodbye Alex

Alex:Thank you professor..... bye everyone .

Alex continues his journey walking towards the forest which leads to Viridian city. Alex has done as research about this forest. It is said to be populated by a huge variety of pokemons but mainly dominated by flying pokemons led by a fearow which is very aggressive.'Hope I won't have to face that fearow and his underlings ' this was Alex's thought when he reached near the forest.

While passing through the forest Alex hears battling sounds, he releases slowpoke and together moves towards the origin of the sound. He sees 5 spearows gang up against an Elekid who stands strong against these 5 Pokemon in an arrogant manner.

Will Elekid join Alex??.....