Day 2 November (2)

"What? Calling me to pretend to be a couple with this old hag?" Takigawa shouted.

A bag flying on his head and it hit his head. "Who are you calling hag? I'm 27!" the red-haired priestess shouted.

"So what's the case now that we had to sneak into a school at this late afternoon?" Takigawa asked.

Lin and Yasu sighed, the boss was away in class. So was Mai, and they only have to explain it. But it was hard with both of them bickering.

"What?! Naru-bou did what?" Takigawa asked his eyes almost popped up in surprise.

"He did undercover as a student, the client asked the principal to hire investigator but they don't comply, so here we are stuck in this old building with Lin and Naru."

"Three students have already been missing in a month interval, and one of them are my girlfriend's sister," Yasu sighed. "She was supposed to grab a study material from a room but never came back."

"Lin, camera 3, something's strange with it," Takigawa pointed out.

Lin took a glance and saw the corridor started to become red and everything looks like it was mirrored, everything was distorted and in just 10 seconds, everything turned normal again.

He hit replay button but the scene they just witnessed vanished without a trace.

"When was the last time they saw Reiko and the rest of the victim?" Takigawa asked.

"I think one of them vanished on 10 am, the other two was around 4 pm." Yasu replied, they saw Mai, Naru and Tamura on that corridor from the camera 2 and went to camera 3 and camera 5. Both Takigawa and Matsuzaki couldn't contain their laughter when they saw their arrogant and narcissistic boss wearing uniform.

"Ayako, Bou-san you came?" Mai said excitedly as they entered the base.

"Mai," Takigawa gave her a crushing bear hug and Ayako laughed as she saw Naru worn uniform.

"Mai, tea," Naru said as he gave the trio a glare that can make them quiet.

"Aye aye, boss," Mai grabbed a kettle and went to the sink to fill it and started making tea for their teaholic boss.

"So find anything?" Naru asked Yasu and Tamura as Mai distributed the tea.

"It's interesting that the principal didn't want the cop to investigate the building, I've asked Hirota(*) for help and found out that this place used to be his great-grandmother's house and as soon as his great grandmother has passed away, his grandparents moved out in 19xx and turned it into school," Yasu explained. "And 25 years later they added the new building and this old building gradually became a club and storage room."

"And 50 years ago, there was the same incident where workers went missing and they didn't even investigated it as they thought they're just running away," Tamura added, "And every year in this school before the old building became unused in 25 years, there was someone missing, whether it was staff, student or teacher, but not as huge as this one. This time 3 girls in a month. It raised suspicion as these girls were not having difficulties and not even bullied."

"And actually we saw something interesting in the footage just now," Takigawa added. "Well not as interesting as Naru-bou dressing as student, but for ten second we saw camera 3 went crimson red and everything was distorted. And yet when we hit replay button, there was nothing."

"Mai, never alone," Naru reminded again. "Now we got the evidence we can press the principal to make it open cases."

"Aye aye, boss," Mai replied. "I think the girls in your class will be disappointed," she added.