Getting out of this!

Day 5 November

It's been awhile and the rest of them tried to shine the same spot using the same angle to no avail without knowing that it's midnight already. All of them was worried about that clumsy little assistant/investigator but now they had their boss to worry too.

Although they knew their boss capabilities but they couldn't help but worry when they heard Mai description of that place. Lin sighed as he saw the time and got back to the base. He had already prepared the stuff for this demon but it seemed that he couldn't put Naru in danger if Naru failed to connect to Gene.

"Let's get some rest," Takigawa said. "I'm sure both of them will be fine."

"I don't wanna be alone," Ayako said.

"Then we'll bunk up in the base," Yasuhara suggested.

"I'm worried about their sanity," John said.

"They didn't wear their shirts, so they should be fine," Lin said.


Naru sighed as he saw the clumsy assistant of his was asleep now after bickering with him for 5 hours straight. He let her lean on him since it's the safest thing to do for them. Both of them tried to break the wall. Mai tried to drive the spirit away but it's useless.

He remembers that one time Mai asked whether he'd do it in front of the mirror. He shuddered at the thought of hugging a girl he likes in front of the mirror, it actually makes him think of Gene hugging the girl, not him. And his mind goes back to when Mai confess to him.

'Me or Gene?' it keep repeating in his mind like a chant. He's tired of being confused as his brother. They're identical twin but somehow Gene took all the positive vibe while he took the negative vibe.

"You know she loves you, right?" Gene teasing voice could be hear in his mind.

'Gene, stop it,' Naru chided. 'Where the hell are you?'

"Oh and what's this place," Gene touched Reiko who's naked beside him. "Whoa what's with that look? Wait? Is she still alive?"

Naru sighed and tried to ignore him. Gene always come up with the answer. So he doesn't have to replied to him. But somehow, hearing him talk like this feels like Gene was still alive, when the fact that he's no longer alive. But some realization makes him glared at Gene again.

"Noll, you know I haven't been guiding Mai's dream for a while," Gene said. "I won't let her into these disturbing dream had I know it."

It got Naru's attention and he glared dagger at his twin.

"Well, these sight wasn't for you either, but you're here," Gene said. "You can't leave her alone, eh?"

'She loves you,' Naru projected his thought into his twin mind.

"No, she loves you," Gene said.

'Can we talk about anything other than that?' Naru sighed.

"Sure, okay, but hey, what's your plan now?" Gene said.

'Can you come up with the answer like usual?' Naru glared at Gene who was smirking.

"Ah okay, so you're waiting for the time right time and planning to blast your power and put yourself in danger again, for her?" Gene grinned like Chesire cat.

'I've tried to reach to you but it seems like your timing was annoyingly right now that you appeared in front of me when we needed you the most,' Naru sighed.

"Noll, it's not my fault, I can't always be at your call," Gene sighed.