Taylor's Bio

I was flabbergasted because she was my classmate. As a matter of fact, she sat beside me in almost every class back then.

The real Engender for all is the fact that she was at our family party. Gazillion questions rushed in my mind, wondering, is she part of the family? Is she my close relative? No way! I said a lot of things in front of that kid!

The thing is, my first day at school was a veritable nightmare for me. There was this big guy named Tony. He is a Retaker in Advanced level, so he's like an Alpha Lion in the Jungle or Silverback gorilla in the pack! The lecturer wasn't in class.

"Hey kid, what's up?" I slowly raised my head to see this guy sitting at my writing desk with complete confidence. In my head, I still wasn't comprehending why he'd call me a "Kid" while I was 20 years old!

I realized it was a bully already, so I didn't say a word instead reached my bag for my glasses. Deep down in me, I knew that If I answered him, we'd end up fighting, and I'd be expelled from the school on the first day. Why would I get expelled? Oh yeah, glad you asked: I am a martial artist and I have a black belt, so I can knock him down in no time.

"Whoa! This kid has glasses. Let the Auction begin!"

He said, laughing hysterically as he pulled my glasses off my hands. I just cooperated, otherwise I'd end up breaking my glasses.

"they cost a fortune though!" He said, heading in front of the class, grabbing his water bottle and heading to the lecturer's table. Then he sat down.

Using a water bottle as a gavel, he was shouting as he banged it to the table, mimicking the Auction

"a cent one... A cent two.... And a cent.... " He didn't finish his sentence as a Calm and Tall girl entered the class. All students were laughing at me and cheering that Tony guy but suddenly they were all quiet like they saw a principal or some authority or staff member!

I thought she was a lecturer, but it felt absurd because she was like 19 years old.

She said angrily, "Auction? That's ridiculous! Is this how you treat a newcomer?"

I realized that she might be a leader or something in the class.

Tony stood up and headed back to his seat, handing me my glasses.

The Girl saw an empty seat beside me and she approached me, throwing her bag to the floor and shaking my hand simultaneously.

she said, "Hi, I'm Taylor"

"Dave," I said nervously as she sat down with me.

Normally, when I was a kid, I used to bend my fingers backward when I was nervous. But now that I'm grown up, I can't do that anymore! Plus, there was a girl besides me.

Luckily, a couple of a few minutes later, the lecturer came in and we started class.

The bell rang it was recess time. I didn't want to leave the class and suddenly she would not go out too.

"So you're new in the school, huh?" She said, turning her head to face me.

"um, yeah I'm a newbie here!" I answered, trying to look cool, but I was really nervous.

Well, at my age I'm not supposed to be that nervous in front of girls, but I didn't know if I crushed on her instantly or it was something else.

"I'm a headgirl in this class"


"yeah kinda like Class Representative, but at Grade level"

"oh yeah, I get it now"

We continued talking. but honestly, deep down, I wasn't interested in conversations! My mind was noting and registering every single character of her. That's when I noticed that she was so beautiful.

After class, we continued hanging out a lot, until she took a bus to her house and I went home too.

So it shocked me to see her in the dining room, wondering how she got there to begin with.

She saw me too, and she choked on her drink!, but she didn't show it to anybody. I bet she had some questions like mine in her mind. Only the two of us knew what was going on.

After dinner, through the conversations, that's when I came to realize that Taylor was a neighbor of my aunt, and she invited her to the family party just because she likes her. Taylor was supposed to spend the night with us and the next day on Christmas she'll go to her family, so I had plenty of time to talk to her.

It was time for movie and chatters, that's when I approached her to hang out a bit again.

"so this's your family?" she asked

"Yeah, sure. How did you even get here? I thought you lived in a metropolis"

"oh yeah, we live next to your aunt and since she has no children, I end up helping her out with chores and everything. She loves me so much that she thought it would be a good idea if we came here together"

"wow so cool"

We continued talking and laughing, and then we watched stars together. That's when I realized that she was so beautiful and kind too. She was very attentive to everything and, unlike me; she was an Extroverted. That's why I liked hanging out with her.

I have this habit of writing almost everything new and remarkable to me in my diaries, so here's how I described her :

«At the first time I thought I was hallucinating or something but I realized I wasn't.

Taylor was this light-dark brown-faced, with few blemishes which are fading away. She had few eyebrows and few lashes; had small lips and snowy white teeth. Taylor had these relatively small eyes, which were blue but not too much. She had beautiful, splendiferous Afro hair which is black. She had dimples down below the corners of the mouth. Had black lips, a relatively normal-sized neck, and she had arms with very few skin pores. Had an S-shaped Fuselage, with big well-shaped hips. She had beautiful legs with normal width, which was less hairy, and delicate feet with long toes, which made her look absolutely beautiful.

I was so obviously impressed with the Beauty of hers. Her Physiology was very Captivating she is a true meaning of beauty!»

After reviewing what I just memorized about her in that short time, I surprised myself! And I was like:

"Ooh boy, you really have a serious crush on her!"

The next question was "Are you going to shoot your shoot, or you are going to shoot your shoot?"