Zoddie's visit.

Zoddie has been disturbing me for the past few days and I don't know how to go about it .He had finally revealed to me that if I want him to forgive me then I have to agree to be with him.I always had this feeling that he would ask for this one day but I didn't know it will turn out so soon.I had told him I will think about it but I really don't know what to think about.All I have to do is to consult Jay if possible or better still Mariana.Telling Jay about this might bring a problem between us because apparently Jay is anti Zoddie.I haven't figured out why he doesn't like Zoddie at all.Maybe they have private issues I don't know about or maybe it's just all because of my issue with him.But it doesn't seem like it though.If that was the issue then he wouldn't always behave that way with me.

Well whatever it is,I hope we don't become enemies because of it.I have to ask someone for advice concerning this current situation I'm in.One problem I have is that I can't easily make decisions on my own.Especially these kind of decisions .I always think others opinions are superior to mine and sometimes I'm wrong,sometimes I am wrong .But most times I'm usually wrong,I have to learn to make my own decisions and not seeking for everyones opinion all the time.Even though I'll seek for their opinions,it shouldn't be a frequent something for me.At least it should be once in a while ,but I still haven't learnt that.God help me to always listen to the right people and not the wrong ones.Making the wrong decision will affect me and not everyone else and that's why I should caution myself concerning the issue of always seeking for advice.

Well I'll have to worry about that part of the problem later.For now I have to figure out what to do concerning Zoddie.He actually threatened to make me go through much worse things than I have already done through with him if I don't accept his proposal. He is leaving me no choice and it's very unfair of him.What kind of human being is that.To think that I've done everything In my power to get him to forgive me but still its just like I've been wasting my time the whole time.

No wonder everyone says he doesn't forgive anyone.Thats so bad of him .He just wants to do everything in his own terms and it pisses me off real bad .I am the kind of person that doesn't like having problems with anyone no matter how small but that of Zoddie really caught me off guard.

He has refused to forgive me and when he finally agreed to consider forgiveness,he still gave some conditions. What's the point of forgiving me if he's going to make me do what I don't want to do.

I have to prepare and leave for Cole's place .Let me talk to him first before talking to Jay ,since lately talking to Jay is just one hard nut to crack.He turned out to be so tough when it comes to Zoddie.I was about to leave when I heard a knock on my door.I wasn't expecting anyone but I decided to just open the door.Maybe it's just our neigbour who is a chronic borrower.He doesn't fail to knock at our door anytime he needs anything.One time he even came to take our gas cooker with the excuse that his own has issues.

I actually opened the door and it was Zoddie.Standing there like he is the owner of the ground on which he stood.He always had this pompous and authoritative attitude and sometimes it's really attractive.

Good afternoon miss,how are you ?

He asked with his face beaming with smiles.

I'm fine good afternoon I answered.

I just came to know whether you've finally made a decision concerning what I told you .I don't really have all the time in the world and I'm running out of patience.Well by the look on your face,I imagine you haven't made a decision yet,I give you till the end of this week and everything should be over by then.Remember your decision would determine how your stay in this campus would be.

I'll be waiting to hear from you,he said and left immediately. He didn't even sit down or something like that,he just delivered his stupid message and left.

What a man.