A Fountain of Wishes

Cheng Xiu pulled back the sword lodged in Crow's heart.

He jerked.

The 10 seconds were over.

Crow's body pixelated away.

Cheng Xiu stepped back and sheathed her sword. Her copies disappeared.


[World Announcement : Grandmaster's Arena Battlefield

Battle 4: SelaXiu Veritas Vs Immortal Crow

Victory: SelaXiu Veritas.]

Cheng Xiu's eyes flitted to the group of Immortals standing at the side as audience. Their grim expression deepened in her heart, delighting in it, as her body pixelated away.


In the Audience Podium of the Immortals and San Zhe, there was silence.

"That was intense," Matchstick said at last. "That's another Immortal gone."

Long Hei frowned. "Are you ignoring the fact that she just beat Crow of all people so easily? In fact, I would say, her fight with Lu WenXian is the only one that was a bit more humiliating for the Immortals."

WuQi glared at him. "Damn you, Hei! If brother Xian was playing at his original level, he would have definitely won!"