Not Cheng Xiu?

In the meadow of the Viridian forest, a group of Immortals sat, waiting for the next match to begin.

Long Hei looked at Frost from the corner of his eyes in intervals.

Frost sighed. "What is it, Hei?"

Long Hei laughed. "Well…I just wanted to ask you something…"


"Are you nervous?"

Everyone turned to look at him.

Long Hei panicked. "I didn't mean to offend you! It is just that…well…she did defeat 4 Immortals."

Frost shrugged. "I don't know and I don't care. All I want to do is finish this battle and go home."

Long Hei tilted his head. "Why? What happened?"

Frost sighed. "One of my family members had a heart attack."

"Oh?" Long Hei looked at her for a second. "I'm sure he will be okay."

Frost nodded. "I hope so."

She turned to Yue, who came sat down beside her and put her arm around Frost's shoulder.

"It will be alright."

Frost relaxed against her side. "Did you contact Crow?"