Try To Fix Things

When Gu Shu returned from buying the congee for Cheng Xiu, she found the girl listening to San Zhe with rapt attention.

Gu Shu pushed the door open with a loud bang, letting the two inside know of her enterance.

Cheng Xiu was startled by the abrupt sound and glared at Gu Shu. "Why are showing your agression on the door? If the door is damaged, what would you do then?"

"The doors are made to resist a high D-Level attack, it can take being banged to the wall," Gu Shu said, a scowl on her face. "What were you two talking about?"

Cheng Xiu frowned. "Why are you taking that kind of a tone with me?"

Gu Shu scowled even more. She felt like she was being replaced by that San Zhe, how could she not be upset? Cheng Xiu had always been her best friend and yet she was spending more time with that San Zhe person.