Improve Things

Cheng Xiu moved at a high speed towards the man in blue.

San Zhe stumbled back in fear.

Cheng Xiu raised her sword to impale him.

San Zhe stopped her attack with the handle of his trident.

"Sister Xiu!" San Zhe called, hoping it would be enough for her to snap out of the trans that she fell into.

Cheng Xiu's glowing red eyes started to gain a veiny texture as she forced her sword to push against San Zhe's trident.

San Zhe used this momentum to kick her away from him.

If Cheng Xiu was still of clear mind she would have seen this obvious flaw in her posture and corrected it. Unfortunately, Cheng Xiu was far too in the witch's control to see the faults in herself.

Cheng Xiu flew away from him at the kick and got to his feet. He looked at Cheng Xiu who looked like she was drunk if it was not for the red glowing eyes, and the felt fear grip his heart.