Speculations of San Zhe

Cheng Xiu looked at the NPCs who were too busy fighting with each other to look towards her and San Zhe.

"So how do we defeat them?" Cheng Xiu whispered to San Zhe.

The man in the blue robes frowned and then thought of the way that the dungeon was set up. Even though he knew that fighting them would be hard, he could guess a bit of where their powers were at. "Maybe we can attack their Spell Books?"

Cheng Xiu looked towards him. "You think that their power source are their Spell Books?"

"Yeah," San Zhe said to her. "Think about it. The first woman attacked you after taking out her Spell Book. The second woman attacked me after taking out hers. They could maybe only trigger the Spells in the book if the book is near them?"

"Isn't that condition a bit too strict?" Cheng Xiu asked him.