God Quests? I Am Too Cursed For Those.

The warm atmosphere between the three players was interrupted by the sudden wind that came out of nowhere.

It pushed the three of them out of the backroom and back to the center.

Cheng Xiu looked around her in confusion. What had happened?

The wind died down. 

Black fluid seeped through the walls and coated the surface with its slimy texture. A rotten odor wafted towards their senses.

Cheng Xiu gagged at the sudden onslaught of putrid smell.

"The Nest is closing," San Zhe said to her when he saw her expression.

"Why?" she asked him.

"The Hourglass was the stabilizer in the Nest. It acted as a stand-in for the witch, who in this case are the Queens," Yaksha explained. "By destroying the Hourglass, the nest does not have the presence of the Witch in it and so it will collapse. Let us go!"

Cheng Xiu and San Zhe nodded and the three ran out of the room.