
The truth of the gameplay of the Other World was heavily based on human behaviours. While some eccentricities would be added in every few moments, in the end they showed the predictability of the human nature.

And that was the exact logic that made the NPC Queen stop when Cheng Xiu called out. The only person who ever dared to talk to her in that tone was either her brother or the king, basically people who had that kind of authority over her. And so, when someone used that tone to command her, her instinctual reaction was to stop. Because the only reason that someone would use that tone towards her was if they had the authority to.

In another space, the AI known as Maya felt pain in her database as the interpretation of the command was made by that part of the AI System. She was truly sorry that the original data was so vague that she had to stop at that kind of disrespectful call.