Back To The Dorm and Annoyance

"I said get out! Now!" a young voice said in anger.

"Aren't being a bit too rude, my dear?" a male voice said from the door.

Cheng Xiu stilled for a moment. It sounded like that Immortal Crow that she had fought with before.

She walked towards the commotion with a even pace and straight back.

The man with the yellow eyes looked up when he heard her footsteps and smiled.

"And here is over favourite genius," the man beemed.

Cheng Xiu's eyes went to the hunched figure of Ren Yin who leaned against the wall of the dormitory. She did not have to ask who let the man in.

"Ren Yin," she called, not acknowledging the man that was wagging his tongue in front of her. "If this continues, then don't accuse me of being rude when I report that you are using your privilages to bring men casually into the dorms to harass the other students."