Crashing Relations

Cheng Xiu came out of her shower with the whole intention of ignoring Gu Shu and doing the rest of her papers. She still had to look into the debate topics even if most of the students in their college believed that St Andre lost their chance to host the event.

She liked to believe that the Alliance would not retract their intentions because of this. Or she hoped for it. 

Otherwise, it would be punishing those who could have had a chance to showcase themselves in front of such big people. After all, the fourth years of their college were about to enter society for real now, and needed the edge if they could get it.

Cheng Xiu's deep thoughts were broken by the sobs that reached her ears.

The sound was low but it was audible to even a slightly deaf Qiless.

Cheng Xiu's eyes went to the curled form of her friend who was sleeping under her blanket.

"Are you crying?" Cheng Xiu asked in a flat tone.