Journey With The Dummies

The three walked in silence for a few minutes before they reached the Level border that would take them to Level 4.

Cheng Xiu was a bit anxious about the next level. She was at level 4 herself. She did not have an upper hand when it came to power level. 

She just hoped that she would not become a burden to her friends.

The flora of Level 4 did not change as much. The swampy air had changed and there was a freshness to the atmosphere but that was about it.

Cheng Xiu wondered why these areas were considered as poisoned by the Demonic Cultivator even though the area was not that different from the outside world. 

Sure, the monsters were Gu, but she did not think that should be enough for a place to be considered Qi poisoned.

Cheng Xiu stepped up a cluster of boulders and looked around. 

There was only silence around them.