Golden Jar

The area in front of them was on a raised rocky courtyard, Seven Pillars marking the seven corners of the courtyard. Each side of the platform had five flights of stairs.

At the centre of the courtyard, there was a large Golden Jar.

A large, black snake was coiled around it.

The three cultivators shared looks and then looked at the centre again.

"I don't know what that thing is," San Zhe began, "but my instincts are telling me that it is not a good thing for that snake to be circling that Jar."

"I know what that is!" Chu Ying said in excitement. "It is a Gu Pot."

"What is that?" San Zhe asked. "I have never heard of something like that before."

"Do you mean a poison Jar?" Cheng Xiu asked her.

Chu Ying nodded in excitement. "I just knew you would get it!"

"Why not just say a Poison Jar!" San Zhe asked her, flabbergasted.

Chu Ying tilted her head in confusion. "What is the difference?"