A Little Long Break

Chapter 318


Cheng Xiu felt watched.


She looked at Gu Shu from the corner of her eyes. Seeing that the girl staring at her, she had that urge to ask her about it, but rejected that thought. She had suffered enough for one day.




But Gu Shu clearly still had energy.


With a sigh, Cheng Xiu put her mobile down. "Well what?"


"Who is he?"


Cheng Xiu groaned. "It is not what you think!"


"So why were you blushing?"


Cheng Xiu frowned. "Was I blushing?"




She considered what to say. Whatever she said, Gu Shu was not going to listen to her words. She was not going to try to the girl's mind.


"I have a crush on him."


Gu Shu gasped and with a giggle, she scooted close to Cheng Xiu.


Cheng Xiu frowned at her. "What is it??"


"You know what this means?"

