It's Hard to be a Killing Priest

Lin Wei pursed his lips as the man in the white tunic kept chanting loudly. The warm hand on top of his bowed head is the only reason that he had not flung the man away yet.

What was the situation?

He tried to see things from his peripheral vision but the hand above his head held it in place.

"May the gods be merry! May the Primordial Ones bless us!" the man screamed.

Many people echoed those words.

"May you complete the ritual with great success!" that man said and slashed water over Lin Wei's head. Before the man could even think to protest, the man walked away, leaving him kneeling in front of some kind of altar, confused.


[Player Immortal Crow has gained access to the Trial of the Golden Lotus. Your goal is to Liberate the God of Wealth. Your character task is to complete the ritual and not give away the fact that you are not the actual Priest Homes.