Fire! [2]

A memory of Ten always being bullied in junior high flashed in his head, how he always cried, and then a smiling Kaiyo, his eyes shaking at the sudden memory of her but then it laced in seriousness. 'But that will change now because I have comrades... No... I have friends' His glasses shone white, and if it meant protecting them he would become stronger, no one had to suffer the same fate they did. There were millions of Civilians in this base and they were their hope of survival.

'Everyone we care about was killed'. Haya thought with shaky eyes, tears falling, her mind replaying Azumi's death, she didn't want such a thing again, she couldn't bear to think about it again. 'I don't want it to happen again' She thought determinedly. 'Never again!'

'Even though our fate has been altered, being bio-genetics'. Kaname fist tighten. 'The fate of millions of civilians rests in our hands' his lips pressed in a thin line. 'This is no time to mess around'