A Choice

Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

Room Hall

Ten laid on his bed, his gaze fixed on the white ceiling, he sighs lost in deep thoughts.

"Secluded for an operation huh?" he said under his breath as his eyes sadden, he turned to the empty bed a few distances away from him. 'Roomie' he thought with shaky eyes.

_ _ _

Ren stood in his room with an unreadable expression seeing the empty bed belonging to Tamaki Yuma, his roommate, now dead. His eyes sad and wistful, he walks in as the door slides shut.

_ _ _

Kaneki was seated on his bed, his gaze glued to the floor, his arms resting on his knees. He gave a heavy sigh before looking at the empty bed in front of him, belonging to Ida Ryoji. 'So lonely' he thought with shaky eyes. 'It feels so damn lonely in here'.

_ _ _

"Say Shino-san, is Hiro gonna be okay? Daiki knows a little about operations but Daiki can tell it isn't that good" he said with sad eyes.