Pissed General

Level 10: Training Facility 

The bio-genetics rushed in, taking a harsh breath, they silently prayed to God that they made it or NOT! Because Anzai stood with Tori beside him, standing upright as always.

"Late again," Anzai said with a deadly expression.

They paled at his intense burning gaze that got them shaking, their mouths dropping.

They were in for it big. Their blood ran cold instantly.

"We apologize, sir!" Shino said, bowing his head. The bio-genetics froze at his actions, he signaled them to do the same, they bowed their heads, some retaliated but the others bent their heads otherwise, knowing how much trouble they were in.

"This is annoying," Kaneki whispered.

"Shh!" they shush him, it was better than worsening their situation right now.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes. They raised their heads.