
Control Tower

"Kimura Hiro," Anzai said, sighing as the footage showed where he was.

On the screen, Hiro was far behind the others, way behind, as he struggled to keep up while falling to the mud floor countless times.

Touka just watches with sad eyes.

Anzai sighs heavily.

_ _ _

The Stimulation 

Hiro fell flat on his face, the white leather material around his eyes stained with mud, his mouth taking some, and he coughed and split the dirt, gosh! This was so real.

"Dammit!" He cursed while slamming his bandaged fist on the ground hand, he raised his head, sensing the other's auras, they were far ahead, almost reaching the target.

His head hung down as he frowned, his fist clenching hard.

*Footsteps Approaching* 

He froze when he sensed someone coming, the boots stopped in front of him, and he raised his head sensing Yuki's white aura.