Hot Reaction

"Ah, truly a waste... it's hard to believe that the late General has a son like that... I bet he's disappointed in having such a son who can't even live up to his name... tsk tsk... I bet he's been living in his dad's shadow... it can't be helped, cab it?... the apple does fall far from the tree this time, poor General Kimura" he said in a freelance tone, and then he burst into a pearl of laughter.

It was like a rope snap, Hiro's teeth clenched hard, before they could blink, Hiro turned on his heels, the water droplets going up in the air due to his sudden moves.

He came at Mosu fast, sending a punch to his jaw, the force pushed him to the ground, and Hiro climbs on him giving him countless punches on both his cheeks, blood spilling.