Mark Time [3]


Kaijus also known as 'Strange Beast' are creatures inhabiting the surface [The outside world]

A creature unlike anything standing on all fours, 5 feet tall with long legs, having sharp large claws. Hunched back like position, having meat-like skin which is reddish-brown, no eyes just hump of flesh, ears like a coil with no shape, vibrating like a humming sound. Mouth wide with shark-like teeth, sharp and deadly.

The origins of such creatures are still unknown.


Level 20: Prime Minister Level 

Touka's eyes widened, she was stunned by the unexpected news, did she just hear right?

"A medical team is needed for the bio-genetics..." Touka said faintly.

Other medical personnel who were in the office were stunned too.

Kiyoshi gave a slight nod, he knew this would be a piece of shocking news to them because it was unexpected but it can't be helped now, plans were already in motion.